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Department of Chemistry

Scholarship Tournament


The Department of Chemistry at Middle Tennessee State University is excited to invite high school students from across the state of Tennessee to participate in the annual scholarship tournament.  Participating students will be high school juniors and seniors who have completed at least one year of high school chemistry.

Each high school chemistry (or science) teacher will be asked to register their students for a 90-minute examination covering topics typically encountered in the first year of high school chemistry.

The examination will be given on the morning of Saturday, November 16, 2024. Students should bring a pen or pencil and a calculator (no cell phones).

Your high school chemistry or science teacher can register you below, no later than November 13, 2024.  


Park in Davis (DSB) or Library (Lib) parking lots at MTSU.

          8:10-8:40 check in (Science building lobby 1st floor)

          8:45-10:15 take exam

          10:20-12:00 meet with current MTSU chemistry students/tour building

          12:00-1:00 lunch provided (Science Building Mezzanine, 2nd floor)

          1:00 award presentation


Seniors! You can earn SCHOLARSHIPS to MTSU for the 2025-2026 academic year PLUS CASH AWARDS

      1st place: $2000 scholarship and $500 cash

      2nd place: $1500 scholarship and $300 cash

     3rd place: $1000 scholarship and $100 cash

Scholarships must be used in the 2025-2026 academic year.  Juniors! You can earn a CASH AWARD of $100 and you can come back next year to compete for the scholarships as a senior!


  • Learn about the diverse programs at MTSU including Chemistry, Biochemistry, Forensic Science, Medical School Early Acceptance Program, and more.
  • Free lunch
  • Gifts for students and high school teachers
  • Tours of the Science Building, classrooms, and research labs
  • Talk to current MTSU Chemistry students and faculty


Contact Dr. Michael Sanger, Chemistry Department, MTSU.

Call 615-904-8558 or Email

Contact Us

Mail:Dr. Richard Nagorski, Professor and Chair
Department of Chemistry
Middle Tennessee State University
P.O. Box 68
Murfreesboro, TN 37132